Further to our story reported here there is now a making off video available. You can watch the video at youtube, or by clicking play:
Further to our story reported here there is now a making off video available. You can watch the video at youtube, or by clicking play:
A second Syndey date, the 16th November at Luna Park Big Top, has been added to the Gigantour. Unlike the show on the 15th (18 years+), this will be for all ages. You can see all the upcoming Lacuna Coil tour dates here…
In a blog on her myspace Cristina Scabbia has confirmed that she has completed the video shoot for an Apocalyptica song in which she is the guest vocalist.The video was shot in Vilnius, Lithuania for the song ‘SOS’ which appears on the ÒWorlds CollideÓ album. You can listen to the song on the Apocalyptica myspace page
Lacuna Coil vocalist Andrea Ferro and drummer, Cristiano ‘Criz’ Mozzati will appear on the ‘Database’ programme on Italian TV channel ‘Rock TV’ on Thursday 20th September.Andrea and Criz will be playing some of their favourite videos and answering questions on the show.The show will be aired in Italy from 14.00 to 15.00 CET. My thanks to lacunacoilfan24 for the information!
Lacuna Coil and digitalmusician.net have launched an exclusive remix competition withthe possibility of a release and prizes from Line6! digitalmusician.net is the online platform for musicians and producers created by the founders of the Steinberg company Manfred RŸrup and Charly Steinberg. Following the success of the last remix competition with electro band Camouflage, Lacuna Coil have also made one of…