Emptyspiral Podcast / Episode 119 / The TRUTH

Emptyspiral Podcast By Jan 19, 2017

unleashed-memories-new-medSince the beginning of Emptyspiral, we’ve been trying to establish the true meaning of the Lacuna Coil song 1.19. There have been numerous interviews, hours of fan discussion and speculation, a podcast, and even a movie.  Today on Lacuna Coil day (1/19/2017) we have exclusive permission from the band to reveal the TRUTH about 1.19!

Are you ready?  Dare you listen?  Well be careful what you wish for…

You can listen to the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher or, alternatively, you can download or listen to the podcast episode right here:

[button title=”Download 1.19min (1.2mb mp3)” type=”linkbutton” color=”grey-dark” align=”alignleft” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ep119.mp3″ target=”_self” el_class=”medium-small”]

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