Emptyspiral Podcast / Episode 82 / The Last Goodbye

Emptyspiral Podcast By Oct 04, 2014

Shallow Life Cover

The latest episode of the Emptyspiral Podcast is out now! This week Matt and Russ go ahead to head in a song death match to determine which is better – ‘Closer’ or ‘I Like it’.  We then review the song ‘The Last Goodbye’, one of the bonus tracks from the album Shallow Life.

Don’t get to vote yourself in our poll!

You can listen to podcast on iTunes and Stitcher or, alternatively, you can download or listen to the podcast episode right here:

[button title=”Download 31:20min (30.1mb mp3)” type=”linkbutton” color=”black” align=”alignleft” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ep82.mp3″ target=”_self” el_class=”medium-small”]

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