Cristina’s performed live with Apocalyptica for the first time at Download, and you the performance of their single ‘SOS’. You can also view the view directly at youtube hereThanks for Blabbermouth
Cristina’s performed live with Apocalyptica for the first time at Download, and you the performance of their single ‘SOS’. You can also view the view directly at youtube hereThanks for Blabbermouth
Have a burning question for Cristina? and Century Media have teamed up for an exclusive competition for you to have your question answered by Cristina on the upcoming Lacuna Coil DVD! All you have to do is submit your question (one only please – so make it a good one!), with your ES username, to [email protected] and, as if…
Lacuna Coil have announced today: Italian Goth Metal Icons LACUNA COIL have launched a very special contest on Youtube asking their fans to contribute to their upcoming DVD. 3 favourite clips will be featured on the DVD which is scheduled for release later this year. From the band:ÒAs most of you know weÕre at home right now writing songs for…
Lacuna Coil have announced that they will be supporting Bullet for My Valentine on a number of dates in November, as follows: 21st November 2008, Dusseldorf Germany @ Philipshalle22nd November 2008, Munich Germany @ Zenith28th November 2008, Weisbaden Germany @ Rhein-Main-Halle29th November 2008, Berlin Germany @ Columbiahalle You can find a full list of all upcoming dates in our Tours…
The July 2008 issue of UK magazine Metal Hammer includes a three page interview with Lacuna Coils Cristina Scabbia. In the interview, Cristina talks about their tour in Japan, the new music, how Karmacode has changed her, and more. Issue 180 of Metal Hammer is out on Monday.