Emptyspiral Podcast / Episode 97 / Soul Inmate

Emptyspiral Podcast By Mar 07, 2015

The latest Emptyspiral Podcast is out now! In episode 97 we have another song death-match where Matt and Russ go ahead to head, each arguing which song is better ‘Trip The Darkness’ or ‘Nothing Stands In Our Way’.  We then disagree on our opinion of ‘Soul Inmate’, taken from the special edition of the album Dark Adrenaline.

You can listen to the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher or, alternatively, you can download or listen to the podcast episode right here:

[button title=”Download 28:41 min (27.6 mb mp3)” type=”linkbutton” color=”grey-dark” align=”alignleft” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ep97.mp3″ target=”_self” el_class=”medium-small”]

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