Episode 46 of the Emptyspiral Podcast is out now! This week we get more questions wrong in our regular Lacuna Coil trivia quiz (can you do better?) and then review the song Unspoken. All in addition to the regular chat and news of course.
Check it out now!
You can listen to podcast on iTunes and Stitcher or, alternatively, you can download or listen to the podcast right here:
[button url=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ep46.mp3″ type=”audio/mp3″ ]Download 26:09 min (25mb mp3) [/button]
I always like your music but last AlBUM told a story +I LIKE IT SATUTE.ALSO the one video was that your secondd album,MAN he was really playing double basss 32 flurries nice.JUSt allyout music stand out!!