Videos from Vintage Vinyl Acoustic Show

General News, Tour News By Jan 28, 2012

Lacuna Coil performed an acoustic show at Vintage Vinyl in New Jersey, USA, where the band performed a short set of both new and old songs, including the first time we’ve heard the acoustic version of ‘End Of Time’; taken from the recently released album ‘Dark Adrenaline’.  You can now view the videos online at Youtube.  Check them out below!

[imageeffect type=”lightbox” width=”288″ height=”156″ alt=”Trip The Darkness Acoustic” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/vintage-vinyl-ttd.jpg” videourl=”” titleoverlay=”yes”]

[imageeffect type=”lightbox” width=”288″ height=”156″ alt=”End of Time Acoustic” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/vintage-vinyl-eot.jpg” videourl=”″ titleoverlay=”yes”]

[imageeffect type=”lightbox” width=”288″ height=”156″ alt=”Closer Acoustic” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/vintage-vinyl-closer.jpg” videourl=”” titleoverlay=”yes”]

Thanks to Anthony3 for recording and sharing the videos! 

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