Remix Lacuna CoilÕs ÒTo The EdgeÓ Competition

General News By Sep 14, 2007

Lacuna Coil and have launched an exclusive remix competition withthe possibility of a release and prizes from Line6! is the online platform for musicians and producers created by the founders of the Steinberg company Manfred RŸrup and Charly Steinberg. Following the success of the last remix competition with electro band Camouflage, Lacuna Coil have also made one of their songs available.
“Be Heard” is the motto of this competition and the winner has the chance that the band will release the remix and along with the 4 runners-up will also receive top quality prizes from Line6 and

To enter the competition candidates must create a (free of charge) personal profile before downloading the remix material.
“Our site offers ideal opportunities for online collaboration and a convenient virtual meeting place. Whether the remixer makes use of these features is up to them. The mix can also be made entirely in their own production environment.”, says Digital Musician GmbH Managing Director Hans-Jšrg Bordin. “Our remix competitions offer the participants a platform to get heard and to establish a general awareness of working together on the internet.”

The main prize is:
– The possibility that the remix is released by Lacuna Coil
– A one-year Pro-Account
– A Line6 HD147 Half Stack guitar amplifier with a value of 2.500 euro
The winner doesn’t take it all Ð the runners-up can also win a Line6 Floor POD Plus and aTonecore Echo Park pedal. Further details can be found on the digitalmusician.netwebsite when the competition is launched.

The remix competition runs from 15th September 2007 until 31 stOctober 2007.

More information can be found at

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