Sonic Cathedral Interviews Lacuna Coil

On The Web, Tour News By May 04, 2009

Jason Levine has interviewed Lacuna Coil vocalists Cristina Scabbia and Andrea Ferro, as well as guitarist Cristiano Migliore, on behalf of the Sonic Cathedral site. In the extensive, and revealing, interviews the band discuss touring with Disturbed, growing success, and their latest album “Shallow Life”. You can read Cristina’s interview at Sonic Cathedral here, and Andi and Chris’s interview here.

"Shallow Life" At Underground Industries

Laura Kelly of the rock web magazine Underground Indrustries UK has reviewed Lacuna Coils latest album “Shallow Life”. The review summarises the album as “a current rock album which allows for the band to really show how they’ve matured and grown. No longer apart of the European Gothic Metal scene, this band have branched out and taken a risk that…