Name: Cristiano “CriZ” Mozzati
Birthdate: 13/08/1973
Birthplace: Pesaro, IT
Height: enough but not too much 😉
Nationality: Italian
Favourite Lacuna Coil Song: I Don’t Believe In Tomorrow, Trip The Darkness and many more…
Favourite Bands: The Police, The Clash, The Ramones and many more…
Favourite TV Shows: Torta Di Riso, All the Discovery Channels, Vampire Diaries, Desperate Housewives, American Horror Story
Favourite Movies: Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist, Memento, Jet li and Jackie Chan movies, Mel Gibson movies, and many more…
Favourite Cartoons: Almost all the Japanese animation starting from the 70’s, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons
Favourite Actor/Actress: too many
Favourite Books: too few
Favourite Type Of Food: everything eatable…but I really mean it!!!
Favourite Videogames: Diablo I, II, III, Dead Space and other thousand games for iPad
Favourite Animals: Cats, Dogs, Horses…and all of
Favourite Sports: Chinese Martial Arts (…more than a “sport”)
Favourite soccer Teams: I hate soccer!!!
Favourite Cars: Grand Cherokee and Renegade Jeep, Hummer, Viper
Favourite Alcoholic Drinks: …do non alcoholic drinks exist too???
Favourite Non Alcoholic Drinks: water…(can you really drink it???)
Favourite Colour: black, white, red, yellow
Favourite Cities: San Michele (PC), Sydney, San Diego
Hobbies: I create websites (www.filezero.it)
Sports done: Taiji, Meihua, YiQuan
Years Playing Instrument/Singing: more than 15 years spent on drums!!!