Diego “Didi” Cavallotti Interview


If you have attended any of the recent Lacuna Coil shows (or have at least been keeping up to date via social media), you will have noticed that there is a new face on the stage. With the departure of guitarist Marco “Maus” Biazzi this past January, Lacuna Coil were faced with finding someone who could fill in for their upcoming shows. And find someone they did! We welcome Diego “Didi” Cavallotti into the Lacuna Coil family. I sat down with Didi before the show in Tempe, Arizona to find out a little more about the man behind the guitar.

Cynthia: Ciao, Diego! It’s a pleasure to meet you!

Diego “Didi” Cavallotti: Ciao! And also you. This is my first interview. I hope I do okay!

Cynthia: I’m sure you’ll do fine! We’re a gentle and loving fandom. So let’s get started! First things first – what are your initial thoughts of the tour so far?

Didi: It is my dream. All of it. The shows. The bus. Everything about it. Also, this is my first major tour. It has been very good for me so far. My first show was a festival in the Philippines.

Cynthia: Well that’s one way to jump right into it.

Didi: [laughs] Exactly! There were so many people but it was a great show and great start to the tour.

Cynthia: How did you come about to play for Lacuna Coil?

Didi: When I heard about Maus leaving, I talked with Marco (Maki) and asked him about it. He talked with everyone else in the band and they all came to an agreement. I’m very happy to be playing for them right now.

Cynthia: Did you know how to play the songs beforehand or did you have to learn them?

Didi: Marco gave me the songs two months ago and I learned them. I left my job and everything.

Cynthia: What were you doing before?

Didi: I was a machine operator.

Cynthia: Have you played in any other bands?

Didi: Yes, I played in Mellowtoy. Marco produced our album actually.

Cynthia: How long have you been playing guitar? What’s your setup?

Didi: I have been playing since I was 14 and I am 30 years old now. I play Jackson guitars with Line6 amps.

Cynthia: Do you have any pre-show rituals or superstitions?

Didi: No not really. I just try to relax. Maybe have one beer.

Cynthia: Now for some fun questions! Do you have any favorite movies? Sports? Music?

Didi: Oh that is a hard question! (laughs) Very difficult to answer. I like all types of films. Actually I do like to watch documentaries. For sports, I like boxing. And I like all music. When I was a child, I started to listen to classic music, rock music, pop music – everything.

Cynthia: Are you looking forward to seeing anything in particular on this US tour? Like monuments or certain states?

Didi: Everything.

Cynthia: What would you like to say to the fans that are reading this on Emptyspiral.net? What can they expect from you on stage?

Didi: I hope they will see that I have energy on stage. Attitude. And…I really want to show how much I am enjoying these moments. They can expect passion on stage. Italian passion!

Cynthia: Okay, now I have just one more question. And not to put any pressure on you or anything but this is a very, VERY important question – what is your perfect pizza?

Didi: (laughs) I wasn’t expecting that! For me, it is four cheese with spicy salami.

Cynthia: Nice! Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with me and to introduce yourself to the Emptyspiral family.

Didi: Thank you! I’m glad my first interview went so well! I can’t wait to see everyone on the road!

The show that followed was nothing short of spectacular. Despite the changes on stage, Lacuna Coil have managed to keep the energy alive and well. After a few songs, Cristina formally introduced Diego to the Arizona crowd. From then on, random chants of “Diego! Diego!” and the occasional shout of “Diego! You’re kicking ass up there!” could be heard. I think it’s safe to say that Didi has a special place in the hearts of Lacuna Coil fans already.

Interview by Cynthia.
May 2016

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