Welcome to the Features Section of Emptyspiral. Here you will find lots of information about Lacuna Coil that we have collated over the years.
Lacuna Coil Biography
If you’re new to Lacuna Coil, or just want to find about more about them, be sure to check out the Biography section. There you’ll find info on all the band members as well as a detailed history of the band.
Album Reviews
Check out our own reviews of Lacuna Coils albums, including those submitted to us from various Coilers over the years. If you’re interested in submitting your own review, be sure to let us know!
In the discography section you will find all of Lacuna Coils albums, and singles, as well as the lyrics to all their songs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Emptyspiral is the maintainer of the official Lacuna Coil FAQ. If you have a question about the band be sure to check out the FAQ for the answer. If that doesn’t work, post your question in our forums; someone is likely to know the answer.
Over the years Emptyspiral has interviewed Lacuna Coil many times and you can find all of those interviews here. Additionally we have a large number of old interviews, from various sources, in our Interviews Archive.
Emptyspiral Podcast
Every week we produce the Lacuna Coil Community Podcast – a round up of news, as well as interviews with Lacuna Coil, and fans from across the globe. We also have quizzes, competitions, reviews of Lacuna Coil music and much more.
Lacuna Coil Tours
Upcoming Shows is where you will find all Lacuna Coil tour dates, including venue information and websites, links to Google-maps, iCal entries for your calendar, and even the ability to subscribe to our feed so you never miss out on a new Lacuna Coil tour! Additionally you will also find all old Lacuna Coil tour dates in our archive Section..