
In The Media

Lacuna Coil in the Media

Cristina in Big Cheese Magazine

In The Media By Mar 11, 2012

[imageeffect type=”reflect” align=”alignleft” width=”214″ height=”300″ alt=”Big Cheere March 2012″ url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/bigcheese-march2012.jpg” ]Lacuna Coils singer Cristina Scabbia appears in a two-page ‘Made In Italy’ article in the March 2012 issue of Big Cheese magazine. In the article Cristina talks about all things Italian; from her love of the various types of Italian pasta, the fashion in Milan – and mentioning the video…

UpVenue Interview with Cristina

General News, In The Media By Feb 16, 2012

[imageeffect type=”reflectlightbox” align=”alignright” width=”288″ height=”158″ alt=”UpVenue Interview” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/upvenue-interview.jpg” videourl=”” titleoverlay=”yes”]In a recent video interview with Sheila of UpVenue, Lacuna Coils Cristina Scabbia talks about the inspiration for the new music on Dark Adrenaline, speculates on what should be the next single off the album, 10 years of Comalies, and much much more! Check out the interview at here! or click…

Cristina Scabbia in Rocksound Magazine

In The Media By Feb 12, 2012

[imageeffect type=”reflect” align=”alignleft” width=”106″ height=”150″ alt=”” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/300.jpg” ]The March 2012 issue of music magazine Rocksound continues a two-page ‘Welcome To My World’ biopic interview with Lacuna Coils Cristina Scabbia.  In the interview Cristina talks about growing up in Milan, being influenced musically by her older brother, how she came about recording  for the first time, her feelings on being a…

Lacuna Coil in Powerplay Magazine

In The Media By Jan 30, 2012

[imageeffect type=”reflect” align=”alignleft” width=”150″ height=”219″ alt=”” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/powerplay-0212-small.jpg” ]Lacuna Coil graces the cover of the February 2012 issue of UK Rock and Metal magazine Powerplay, as well as an interview with the band. Held on the day in 2011 when Lacuna Coil’s tour bus was hit by a lorry in Colchester, UK (don’t worry, no one was hurt!) Andrea and Cristina…

Cristina in Terrorizer Magazine

In The Media By Jan 25, 2012

[imageeffect type=”reflect” align=”alignright” width=”150″ height=”203″ alt=”Terrorizer Cover” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/terrorizer-feb2012.jpg” ]Lacuna Coils Cristina Scabbia is on the cover of the February 2012 issue UK metal magazine Terrorizer, which also includes a 5 page article about her. In an informal interview, Cristina talks about many aspects of being in Lacuna Coil, her thoughts on motherhood, releasing Dark Adrenaline and the feeling behind My…