
In The Media

Lacuna Coil in the Media

Lacuna Coil Interviewed by Rock Metal Inc

In The Media, On The Web By Apr 22, 2013

Lacuna Coils Cristina Scabbia and Cristiano Migliore been interviewed by Rock Metal Inc.  In the interviews they talk about the bands albums, touring history, and more. Check out the video! [videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”560″ height=”315″ url=”” id=”1″]

Cristina Talks to Beyond The Watch

In The Media, On The Web By Apr 17, 2013

Lacuna Coil vocalist Cristina Scabbia has been interviewed by Toronto’s Beyond The Watch.  In the interview Cristina talks about the bands history, their musical style, and more..Check it out! [videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”560″ height=”315″ url=”” id=”0″]

Andrea Interview With Metalluminati TV

Lacuna Coil vocalist Andrea Ferro was recently interviewed by Metalluminati TV in San Francisco.  In the video interview Andrea talks about the bands 15 year career, the state of the music industry, and also reveals that the band are currently songwriting and are planning on returning to studio in the autumn… Check out the video below. [videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”560″…

Vote For Dark Adrenaline as Rock Album of 2012!

In The Media, On The Web By Dec 04, 2012

Hot on the heals of the Rock Goddess vote, comes Loudwires ‘Rock Album of the Year’ awards.  Naturally included in the awards is Lacuna Coils amazing album Dark Adrenaline (check out our review if you need to be convinced!) Cast your vote for the album in the Loudwire poll at