

Emptyspiral Admin.

Lacuna Coil in Metal Edge, Hit Parader, and Revolver Magazines

In The Media By Oct 22, 2004

Lacuna Coil can found in a number of publications this month. The band is mentioned in Hit Parader, Criz appears alongside other drummers in an Ozzfest feature in Revolver, and finally Metal Edge reviews Lacuna Coil’s Ozzfest performance in Cleveland.The magazine has this to say: “One band that did stand out in both style and performance was Italy’s Lacuna Coil….

Lacuna Coil FAQ 1.4 Released

Emptyspiral News By Oct 18, 2004

Version 1.4 of the Lacuna Coil ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ has been published today. The updates to this edition include an extensive list of equipment that the band use, information on the Lacuna Coil font, where to buy Cristina’s boots, and information on Angls Punishment.You can read or downloads it here… Thanks to everyone that contributes to the FAQ, with special…