

Emptyspiral Admin.

Interview with Cristiano Migliore on Metal Express Radio

General News By Dec 07, 2006

Metal Express Radio has posted a twenty minute audio interview with Lacuna Coil guitarist Cristiano Migliore. Recorded at the end of the UK leg of their European tour, interviewer Mick Burgess asks Chris about touring, Karmacode, the bands they have supported over years, and much more. You can listen to the whole interview at the Metal Express site here…. (You…

Lacuna Coil in Alternative Magazine

In The Media By Nov 30, 2006

Lacuna Coil is featured in the Nov/Dev 2006 issue of UK magazine ‘Alternative’. Cristina Scabbia appears on the front cover and there is also an interview her and co-singer Andrea Ferro within the magazine. The magazine is available now and more information is available at the ‘Alternative’ website here… Thanks to HopeForDeath for the information